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A Magazine for Sheffield
Live / stage review

Porridge Radio, 18 Apr, Delicious Clam

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Delicious Clam is the place to be right now if you want to see a disparate range of 'unknown' bands in a cool, welcoming place - and all for a fiver.

The first of tonight's triumphant triumvirate is local band Slouch. The flexible rhythm section enables the guitarist to alternate between some lovely jangly riffs and soaring explorations, and the sharing of vocal duties between male and female adds another dimension to an already impressive palette.

Already the must-see band in town, All Girls Arson Club deftly combine fire, fun and great punk pop tunes. The standard guitar-bass-drums set-up is augmented greatly by all three members singing lead or harmony, this being especially effective on 'Kath & Kim' and instant classic 'Curry Club'. All five songs on their new Dark Fruits EP are aired tonight, but they have been quickly outnumbered by a new batch full of humour and hooks.

At once dreamy and shouty

Headlining are Brighton's DIY legends Porridge Radio. From bedroom band beginnings, they have developed into indie darlings without fully abandoning their playful, inarticulate roots. 'Eugh' from their only album, 2016's Rice, Pasta and Other Fillers, jostles with newer, more mature offerings from their upcoming album. At once dreamy and shouty, woozy keyboards sit side-by-side with clattering drums and thrashing guitars.

Although nominally a band, Porridge Radio are essentially the solo project of singer Dana Margolin and it is her passionate, driven vision that is the heart and soul of the band. Their profile has been greatly raised recently with appearances on Radio 6, but hopefully they'll not abandon their long-held lo-fi philosophy.

Pete Martin

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