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A Magazine for Sheffield

Issue 39 June 2011

Another absolute corker for you this month. We’ve got an interview with filmmaker Adam Curtis, probably best known for The Power of Nightmares, The Trap and The Century of Self. He is fantastically outspoken on pretty much any subject you care to name, and the decision to interview him on the day of the Royal wedding was an interesting one.

But that’s not all. We’ve also bagged a chat with producer and rapper extraordinaire Jehst, who has a new record coming out on his own YNR Productions label at the end of this month. It’s been a long time coming and we’ve wanted him in the mag since day one, so it’s good to finally give the man the page space he deserves.

Continuing on from our more fine art inclined mag last month, this month’s submission is from Alison Lambert, who has years of experience exhibiting her pieces across the country. A real pleasure.

Oh, and don’t miss Peace in the Park on 4th June at the Ponderosa Park.


This month's articles

Localcheck Community Radio

You could sail through any city and never experience one particularly invisible part of its culture - the radio stations. People who don't…

Privacy: Gagging on Super-injunctions

The opinions expressed by the media and politicians about super-injunctions are both inaccurate and self-serving. Whenever judges are…

27b/6 Team Building

"It's about establishing and reinforcing staff relationships. Relationships that create a friendly, trusting and balanced work…

Alison Lambert Emotion and Expression

Now an unkind soul might say that the main motivating reason in having last month's colour-drenched feature (Martin Machado) was to revel…

Sound The Wretched Odyssey of the Muso.

The young boy gazed in adulate awe at the selection of fine, succulent produce on offer. He was reminded of his slightly odd obsession…

Jehst: Not Your Postman

When he's not drifting across the high plains or riding in buses full of Mengi, the man some call Billy Brimstone finds time to make the…

Filmreel Spliced Memories Part 1.

This month's Filmreel focuses on the art of film editing. Entire books have been successfully (and comprehensively) written about the…

Filmreel 13 Assassins.

A brief foray into cult director Takashi Miike's oeuvre can leave the uninitiated feeling slightly dumbfounded. I first came across Miike…