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A Magazine for Sheffield

Trains, buses and human rights: two weeks in Sheffield activism

Support the strikers, oppose the bus cuts, fight the cost-of-living crisis and write letters in support of human rights, all in Sheffield over the next two weeks.

City centre railway train station 5
Rachel Rae Photography

There is an awful lot going wrong in the country at the moment, but people taking positive action is always encouraging. As a city with a long history of activism, it should come as no surprise that there are options for supporting striking train staff, opposing bus cuts and supporting human rights this week and next week alone.

Here’s our quick summary of these three actions. If you have something else coming up soon, tag us on social media or email [email protected]

Walkley Library
Gareth Simpson

Stop Tory Bus Cuts Campaigning (Wednesday 17 August, 5.30pm – 6.45pm)

Cuts to Sheffield’s buses risk leaving people across the city stranded, and do little to encourage those people who have cars to leave them at home!

Walkley Labour is organising a Stop the Tory Bus Cuts campaign, meeting outside the Premier store on the corner of Burgoyne Road and Whitehouse Lane (S6 2UY).

Walkley Labour say:

In October, a third of bus services are at risk because the Government is cutting funding for our public transport.

In Walkley we’ve already suffered cuts. The 135 no longer runs on weekends, or after 6.30pm during the week.

This will make it a lot harder for people in our community to get to work, to care, to see family and to go shopping.

We need to let people know who is to blame and put maximum pressure on the Government to give us the funding we need. Sheffield Labour has launched a petition called Stop Tory Bus Cuts and we want as many people as possible to sign - but time is tight.

Join us throughout August as we campaign against the cuts and collect signatures from local residents.

City centre railway train station 2
Rachel Rae Photography

Sheffield Strike Solidarity Rally (Saturday 20 August, 11am)

Join Sheffield TUC and Chesterfield Trades Union Council in saying enough is enough. Offer your support and solidarity to rail strikers at their rally and demo at Sheffield Railway Station.

With inflation and bills on the rise and the bosses raking in record profits, we say ‘Support the strikes and all those fighting for pay and against the cost-of-living crisis.‘

The University Arms, Sheffield
Tony Kennick

Letter Writing Meeting (Wednesday 28 September, 7.30pm – 9pm)

(Update: The 24 August event has been cancelled. Sheffield Amnesty's next letter-writing meeting is on 28 September.)

Sheffield Amnesty International is running a letter-writing meeting in the darts rooms, upstairs at the University Arms pub on Brook Hill (near the University of Sheffield Students’ Union), which is up 15+ steps.

At these meetings we write in support of human rights across the world, calling for the release of political prisoners and generally persuading those in power to do the right thing. It’s also an opportunity to have a drink and a chat with a nice bunch of people.

We will provide everything needed, including case studies, sample letters, pens, paper and envelopes.

Anyone is welcome to join - you don’t need to be a member of Amnesty.

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