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A Magazine for Sheffield

ShefFood Weekly bulletin for the local food sector

ShefFood compiles a weekly bulletin about local food sector.

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ShefFood is the city's partnership for sustainable food. Their aim is to develop a sustainable food system for the Sheffield City Region.

In response to the coronavirus crisis ShefFood are compiling resources from trusted sources and producing a weekly bulletin to support those involved with the local food sector, including food businesses, charities, community organisations, social enterprises, growers and distributors. To receive the bulletin, just subscribe here.

If any food sector organisations have information which may be useful to others in the sector, ShefFood would love to hear from them. Please send details to [email protected] by 12pm on Thursday to be considered for the following Monday's e-bulletin.

You can read Bulletin 1 and Bulletin 2 online now.

by Felicity Jackson (she/her)
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