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A Magazine for Sheffield

Sheffield Race Equality Commission hosts first public hearing

The commission, launched in July, will kick off a series of public hearings on Tuesday 8 December, focussing first on healthcare.

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The first of six public hearings in support of the Sheffield Race Equality Commission (REC) will take place next week, with local people invited to attend the online event.

Speakers from across healthcare services will share their experiences of racial inequality in their field and what their organisations are doing to tackle it on Tuesday 8 December, from 10am to 4:30pm.

Chaired by Emeritus Professor Kevin Hylton of Leeds Beckett University, the Race Equality Commission is “a non-partisan strategic assessment of the nature, extent and causes of racism, racial disparities and how to tackle them”.

Dr Martin Wilkie of Yorkshire and Humber National Institute of Health Research Clinical Research Network, also an appointed commissioner on the REC, said that poorer access to healthcare and information about service results in racial inequalities within healthcare systems.

“We also know that health service staff from ethnic minorities have poorer experiences of the workplace, including greater levels of harassment and being less likely to progress to more senior levels.

“Evidence presented at the Race Equality Commission hearings next week will enable us to devise a clear and progressive plan to address structural racism in our healthcare system, and enable us to build a stronger, healthier and happier society.”

The commission is expected to publish a report in September 2021, including short and long-term actions which can be taken to “disrupt systemic issues” around race and racial inequality in Sheffield.

Members of the public can join the hearing by following this Zoom link on the day. Residents can also submit evidence to the commission.

by Sam Walby (he/him)
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