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A Magazine for Sheffield

Reach South Sheffield: Live Better: Get Connected

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Reach South Sheffield is a real gem in the heart of south Sheffield, doing some incredibly important work to champion the social, environmental and economic regeneration of the area.

The charity works with communities in Gleadless Valley, Lowedges, Batemoor, Jordanthorpe, Beauchief, Greenhill and Woodseats, focusing on supporting the people within these communities to overcome the inequalities facing them so that they can find and apply for work, gain new skills and improve their lifestyle and health. By building confidence and resilience, they are able to make lasting, positive changes which benefit themselves, their families and their communities.

Reach is run by a dedicated team of staff and a multitude of fantastic volunteers who help to organise and facilitate a variety of services and projects including The Reach Fitbus, Lunch Club, the Herdings Food Growers' and Makers' Projects and community learning courses.

They've recently launched a new service in Beauchief and Greenhill called Live Better: Get Connected which is funded by Age Better in Sheffield. The aim of the project is to help people over the age of fifty with financial issues that are stopping them from engaging with the local community. It's run in partnership with Sheffield Credit Union who will be on hand to give advice and support on a wide range of financial issues. Everyone who joins will benefit from one to one support over a twelve month period.

The Live Better: Get Connected service also helps people to find an enjoyable activity or volunteering opportunity to encourage them to make more friends, get out and about a bit more, become more active and learn new skills, all with their specific needs and interests in mind.

So if you or someone you know could benefit from joining Live Better: Get Connected you can get in touch with service coordinator Lewis Bowman. You can reach him on [email protected].

Felicity Jackson

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by Felicity Jackson (she/her)

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