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A Magazine for Sheffield

Movements (Mar '19): Monthly listings so you can change the world

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Saturday 9th March is International Women's Day, and therefore there's events galore, of which we could fit very few in here (see also SheFest, SADACCA, Theatre Deli, both Students' Unions and Foodhall). Spring and sunshine are arriving, which means we at Opus are spending all daylight hours in the office trying to get the Festival of Debate ready to launch. Keep and eye out for the 2019 brochure hitting the streets near you very soon.

Coaches to Million Women Rise March

Sat 9 Mar | London | 7:30am-9pm

In the UK, on average two women a week are murdered by a partner or ex. Show solidarity in the fight to end violence against women and girls by joining this 12th annual march. Coaches organised by the Equality Hub Network Women's Hub depart from the Crucible at 7:30am - march, shout, then sleep on the coach back.

Labour Party International Women's Day Conference

Sat 9 Mar | Quaker Meeting House, S1 2EW | 9:30-3pm

If you're a member or supporter of the Labour Party you can join in discussions including Universal Credit, energy and environment, sexual violence in India and FGM. Also a chance to hear from Olivia Blake, who's the new Labour candidate for Sheffield Hallam.

International Women's Day Celebration

Sat 9 Mar | DINA, S1 4HP | 10am-5pm

If you're not a Labour party fan, you could go hang out in Chukka Umunna's office, or you could join the Sheffield Students' Union Women's Committee at their day of talks, workshops and activities celebrating women, with donations going to Together Women. I know where I'd rather be.

Basic Income: How Do We Get There?

Sat 9 Mar | The Diamond, S3 7RD | 11-4pm

If you don't identify as female you can head over to the Diamond instead to take part in this conference working towards introducing a Universal Basic Income pilot in Sheffield. Talks will explore how UBI could work, and workshops plan how we will make it work in Sheffield.

CineScience: Social Isolation

Mon 11 Mar | Foodhall, S1 4QW | 6-9pm

British Science Association are screening Sueños de sal, a documentary exploring social isolation and loneliness. Followed by food and a talk from a researcher and a member of Foodhall.

Duke St Foodbank Fundraiser

Thu 14 Mar | South Street Kitchen, S2 5QX | 6-11pm

Rees-Mogg would be proud. Try and make sure your next movement involves building a society without the extreme levels of inequality we have now, but in the meantime get some grub and drinks at South Street Kitchen to support the vital role Foodbanks have in our communities at the moment.

Abseil for Raising Futures Kenya

Sat 16 Mar | Floor 12, Owen Building, S1 1WB | 9-5pm

Somehow my partner who is terrified of heights has got roped (ha) in to abseiling down the 160ft Owen Building and it's making me feel physically sick to think about. My wonderful colleague Flick is also taking part - you can join them both by getting involved, holding my hand whilst we watch or just giving them some money and looking away.

Eco-EXPO 2019

Sat 23 Mar | High Storrs School, S11 7LH | 11-6pm

It looks like High Storrs have been inspired by the actions of their pupils and are becoming part of the solution to extinction too. The expo will consist of talks from campaigners, zero-waste & ethically sourced shopping (BYOC*), Recycle Bikes, pop-up recycling and local food.


Anti-Fracking Spring Gathering

30 Mar - 1 Apr | Harthill Village, S26 7UL

A weekend of anti-fracking skill sharing, workshops and action organised by FrAcktion. Keep an eye on their social media for more details.

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