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A Magazine for Sheffield

Here's Looking at UKIP: Riotous, one-woman show comes to Theatre Deli

352 1552925973

As Brexit looms large, a discussion about our national identity has perhaps never been more apposite. Thankfully, Sheffield performer Madeline Shann will be bringing her brand new show - Here's Looking at UKIP - to Theatre Deli on 27 and 28 March so we can all take a much-needed look at this pertinent topic.

The unnerving upswing in racism and xenophobia following the Brexit referendum result inspired Madeline to respond creatively and with purpose. "It was a shock to see how quickly some of the papers, the politicians and the public started feeling comfortable to express this really ugly, racist side," said Shann. "It's vile, and it needs to be challenged."

Described as a 'riotous, one-woman show about patriotism, nationalism and British exceptionalism', Here's Looking at UKIP asks us to dig deep and answer two important questions - Who do we think we are? And what kind of country do we want?

And while Shann helps us to answer these questions and have a good hard look at some uncomfortable home truths about Britain's problem with "foreigners" and its brutal past and uncertain future, we can all enjoy a nice dose of lip-synching, supercuts, dance numbers and soul-searching. Lovely stuff.

Tickets £10/£8. Book here:


Twitter: @madelinedances #HeresLookinAtUKIP


by Felicity Jackson (she/her)

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