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Free taxis to help Sheffield residents get their Covid vaccine

Sheffield Council is funding taxis to help residents get to the Longley Lane NHS Vaccination Centre for a limited time.

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Despite changes in national regulations Covid has not gone away, and Sheffield residents are being urged to get fully vaccinated. Whether you need your first, second or booster dose, vaccines are still available and still vitally important.

Even if you were hesitant at first you can still choose to get your jab, which is especially important if you're in a high-risk group or if you're pregnant. The vaccine doesn't just protect you against severe disease, as avoiding Covid means you won’t find yourself with Long Covid or transmit the disease to others either.

To help people get to the Longley Lane NHS Vaccination Centre, the council is funding paid-for taxis until 31 March. The Covid Response Hub at Sheffield Council wants anyone who needs a free taxi to get them to their appointment and back home again to take up their offer.

They're especially keen for people who previously couldn't get their vaccine because travel was difficult to sign up, but the offer applies to everyone in Sheffield.

You can access the free taxis whether you need your first, second or booster jab. To book your taxi, contact the council’s community support helpline on 0114 273 4567 or email [email protected]

When you book the taxi, tell them how many passengers there will be, as the taxi may pick others up on the way. If you need an accessible vehicle, mention this when booking too. There are no immigration checks and you do not need an NHS number or GP registration to get vaccinated against Covid.

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