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A Magazine for Sheffield

City of Sanctuary The Homeschool Support Project

Initiative provides laptops, data and telephone IT support to families seeking sanctuary in Sheffield.

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Independent charity City of Sanctuary has been working tirelessly to ensure that the asylum seekers and refugees they support are included, connected and supported during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Homeschool Support Project is providing laptops, data and telephone IT support to families seeking sanctuary in our city. This is helping to tackle the educational inequalities faced by asylum seekers, many of whom don't otherwise have reliable access to critical digital resources.

So far the charity has delivered 80 laptops to support 192 children, provided 240 months of data, and supplied hundreds of additional homeschooling materials. They've been overwhelmed by the generosity of people who have donated money and resources to the project.

Tom Martin from City of Sanctuary said, "Asylum seekers live in accommodation with no WiFi, no TVs and no radios. In the current climate they are often being forced to choose between having food on the table and data on their phones. As a consequence families who desperately want their children to continue their education are not able to access the resources available.

"The Homeschool Support for Asylum Seeking Families Project has provided laptops, data and additional resources to every asylum-seeking family with school age children in Sheffield and Doncaster. It is a crucial link in the chain that is allowing over 190 children to get on with their education and not face further disadvantage because of the current pandemic."

Want to help? You can get involved by sharing the project on social media and with your friends and family, supporting the work of City of Sanctuary Sheffield by making a donation, and getting behind the national call to install WiFi in asylum accommodation.

If you'd like more information about donating laptops and other equipment please email [email protected].

by Felicity Jackson (she/her)
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