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A Magazine for Sheffield

Bonnie and The Bonnettes: Mums are ace

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Theatre Deli continuously brings shows from far and wide with the purpose of curating a programme which is exciting, challenging and thought-provoking.

On 13 November, they'll be welcoming Bonnie and The Bonnettes onto the stage with their show And She. We had a natter with Hattie from Bonnie and The Bonnettes to find out more about their celebration of all things mum.

Who are Bonnie and The Bonnettes?

Bonnie and The Bonnettes are a Newcastle-based theatre company come drag/cabaret trio. Our work is sometimes about us, sometimes about other people, but mostly about the world we live in.

We like it when audiences laugh. We like it when they think. We really like it when they do both at the same time. Our work is loud, fun, and unapologetic.

As a theatre company, which themes do you find yourselves most drawn to exploring?

Our work always uses elements of biography and autobiography. Our creativity is hugely inspired by real people and their experiences. We aim to use these themes as boldly as we can. Pushing ourselves and our practice as a company is always a priority for us. As a company, we - and therefore our work - represent LGBTQ+ and will always prove to be a strong part of the backbone of our group.

Where did you draw inspiration from for And She?

Our mums! Each of our mums (Aggie, Dawn & Sue) have inspired us by being motivating, hard working, independent women. They have shown each of us, time and time again, what it means to be strong and resilient, in a world that wasn't, and isn't now, always their friend. They have taught us so much, even when they didn't realise it themselves.

But don't worry, we didn't lose perspective or forget about reality. The show also talks about all those things, big and small, that our mums do or say, that irritate us and rub us up the wrong way. Probably one of the most relatable parts of the show.

What has been the response to the show so far?

We have had a terrific response to And She so far. Audiences have walked away laughing, crying, and all that's in between. The main thing we've heard is, "I want to go to call my Mum now", which is exactly the point of this show. Whilst making And She, we were really focussed on creating a performance that everyone, in one way or another, would connect with and recognise.

Describe the show in three words.

Celebratory. Honest. Relatable.

And She is on at Theatre Deli on 13 November. Tickets available here.

by Felicity Jackson (she/her)

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