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A Magazine for Sheffield

Blink Vivid Video: One Day With

Blink Vivid Video's enthusiasm for working with artists, independent businesses and charitable organisations, and their desire to enrich the local community are things we can really relate to here at Now Then. We chatted to Aidan from Blink Vivid to hear more about their work.

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Tell us a bit about Blink Vivid and how it got started.

Blink Vivid Video is a creative video production company with a passion for art, culture and social change.

In January 2017 we crowdfunded to film and raise awareness on the issue of homeless, drug-addicted children in Kathmandu. This documentary went on to be screened at film festivals from Wales to Australia, winning multiple awards from the likes of the Royal Television Society and the Sheffield Institute of Arts.

On the completion of this film, we formed Blink Vivid Video as a vessel for all of our future work together. We now collaborate with organisations from across the UK that support social change for good with an ambition to make a positive difference to local, national and international communities.

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You've just launched a new project. What's it about?

One Day With is a new series we are launching to reignite our passion for documentary filmmaking. We want to challenge ourselves to capture intriguing and captivating short form stories by spending just one day getting to know obscure and fascinating people.

How did you choose the subjects for the One Day With series?

A few years ago we met Nathaniel, a homeless man living in Sheffield. Each time we saw him, he would be intently scribbling on a notepad outside Sainsbury's, begging for money. After talking with Nathaniel and learning about his passion for music, we found his drive inspiring and offered to collaborate on a documentary project where we would promote his talents and document his story. Nathaniel is in the first episode and we are currently on the lookout for people who would be suitable for future episodes.

What's been the response to the release of the first episode?

The initial response to the documentary has been phenomenal. Outperforming any of our previous videos, the documentary had been viewed over 7,000 times and shared over 100 times in the first five days. We have spoken to a number of newspapers about the story and are awaiting their publications. Everyone seems to be touched by Nathaniel's story and impressed by his talents. We've even seen messages from members of his family that are delighted to see him doing well.

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As a company, how have you been responding to the Covid-19 crisis?

It has been particularly tough to adapt, going from shooting new projects several times a week and operating out of an office space, where the team can work together, to having to diversify our approach and operate entirely from home. Ultimately it has allowed us to revisit some older projects and develop our skill sets, ready to hit the ground running when we're able to safely do what we love again.

What's on the horizon for Blink Vivid?

We will be publicly releasing our award-winning documentary on the lives of homeless Nepalese children (Limits of Freedom) in the coming months, as well as developing plans to shoot the next episode of One Day With.

We are also planning to offer some video promotional services to a lucky independent company in an upcoming competition to help them generate momentum once the lockdown measures continue to ease. We want to support our local community in the best way we know how.

by Felicity Jackson (she/her)

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