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A Magazine for Sheffield

And She: Review of the autumn tour's final stop

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Written and performed by Newcastle-based theatre company Bonnie and The Bonnettes, And She is heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measure. It's a joyous celebration of mums and all the daft, annoying, wonderful things they do.

The stage is bathed in a rich orange glow, the luminescent equivalent of a warm cuddle, and the trio of performers kick things off with super catchy opener 'What a Bloody Day I've Had!' It's pop perfection combined with synchronised dance moves, and I can't help but tap my toes to the infectious beat.

Inspired by their own mums - Aggy, Dawn and Sue - Hattie, Cameron and Rebecca open up a window into the world before they were born, bringing to life a time which will always only exist in the imagination of children.

Their three-way storytelling is dynamic and seamless, the chemistry between them patent. They explore the complexities of the mother-child relationship with sensitivity and honesty, displaying a vulnerability that is rarely seen onstage when opening up about their experiences of coming out, coping with major illness, and dealing with painful insecurities.

Striking a near-perfect balance between fast-paced and funny, between thoughtful and introspective, each of the three voices is given the time and space to be heard.

At the heart of the show is the enduring knowledge that what their mums really want is for them to be happy. And She is real and relatable, and brimming with a selection of some of the best soundbites you're likely to encounter. Seriously, I don't want cabbage. Stop asking!

by Felicity Jackson (she/her)

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