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A Magazine for Sheffield

A Soft Rebellion in Paradise: Outdoor Screening at Doc/Fest

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Grace Higgin Brown

Doc/Fest kicks off this Thursday and as always there's a phenomenal amount going on throughout the six-day documentary extravaganza. This coming Saturday, we highly recommend popping over to Paradise Square for the international premiere of A Soft Rebellion in Paradise, a brand new short film by artist Chloë Brown.

Commissioned by the city-wide visual arts programme, Making Ways, the film centres around women's voices, with a strong focus on those that are too often silenced and lost when history is retold. Made by an all-female crew, production team and cast, the film is a response to Sheffield's history as a city where political activism has long-thrived and where, in 1851, the Sheffield Women's Political Association were the first to call for female suffrage.

Chloë Brown says: "At a time when the world is still reeling from the #MeToo campaign and we mark the one hundred year anniversary since women first achieved the right to vote in this country, I wanted to make a film that could contribute to this debate by focussing solely on women's voices to create a defiant piece of art that is demanding to be seen AND heard."

Shot on location in Paradise Square, more than 200 women took part in the creation of A Soft Rebellion in Paradise. Their performance of a series of 'Soft Rebellions' is accompanied by a powerful and evocative soundscape composed by Belfast-based musician and performer, DIE HEXEN. Sheffield-based poet Geraldine Monk also collaborated on the project with Chloë Brown and her poem 'Soft Rebellions in Paradise Squared' forms the centrepiece of the film.

The film will be screened outdoors in Paradise Square on Saturday 8 June from midday to 9pm as part of Sheffield Doc/Fest. It's around ten minutes long and a certificate U, and there'll be a special introduction by Chloë Brown at 4.30pm. We'll see you there.

by Felicity Jackson (she/her)
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