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A Magazine for Sheffield

Such Animals

A brief low-fi frill of electronic melody reveals a juicy crescendo into waves of dream pop and synth-based happiness. Vocals with a local Sheffield tinge strike a chord, with washy-eyed keyboard melodies that take us back to the eighties in some kind of glorified homage. All the best bits of that decade are neatly represented in ‘Semaphore’, a track that lasts as long as most dreams do until something else takes its place.

Rhythmic chanting and drum beats make way for another gem, ‘Melodramatica’, with smooth and easygoing music that functions as a great sounding board for experimental and challenging vocals.

Previous eras spring to mind once more, and the hip-hop scene is pulled into play with the use of choral effects and melody. A rhythm and keys sound as a backbone to sing-song style stories finds a fresh use for this electronic outfit, bringing something raw and fleshy into what has been slowly evolving into something a little dry.

Rapped vocals take the stage later in the album, a tongue-in-cheek attitude and philosophical style that makes for an interesting combination of flavours, but it works. Simple loops once more offer the skeletal framework for the lyrical explorations of melody and beat.

Such Animals is a fun sounding album with bouncy rhythms that helps to raise the mood without relying on specific formulae and theory in order to get its point across. This is a piece of art that contains a soul, which is one of the best things about it.