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A Magazine for Sheffield

It Could Pour Flames EP

It Could Pour Flames is an EP from the Manchester-based rapper and purveyor of spoken word flows, Seymour. He is also the founder, host and manager of Golden Egg, a hip hop collective and night that runs regularly in Manchester, showing a love for the music that shines through in his tunes.

The first and last tracks of the EP – the title track and ‘Small Clumsy Letters’ – are the clear winners. Seymour’s style works better over a beat that feels as relaxed as his flow often is. His lyrics are good throughout though, whether they’re giving us an insight into the relationship the EP is dedicated to or taking shots at aspects of modern society.

From the DIY collective ethic to the go-hard flows, Seymour is exactly what I look for in an up-and-coming performer. There’s the seed of something interesting here and some clear talent. Definitely give this one a listen.