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A Magazine for Sheffield

Susan Hunter Downer

Freelance journalist, fiction writer and workshop facilitator

Susan Downer

Susan Downer is a trained journalist, award-winning short story writer, and has studied scriptwriting and novel writing. She currently works as a part-time development officer with Sheffield Creative Guild and volunteers with Sheffield Mind and Short Fiction Journal. In 2022 her poetry will be included in an anthology published by Sheffield Flourish. She likes walking. She can often be seen walking past the gym in the general direction of any shop with the word 'cake' in the title.

“What if when is now?”

Ahead of hosting a Festival of Debate event called Sheffield: We Can, Susan Hunter Downer explores activism, learning and wisdom.

The man on the front row

When a man tells artist Keith Piper that he feels "shouted at" and asks what white people should make of Piper's work, conversations about racism and its creators become even more important.

The Way I Flourish

Poems from Sheffield Flourish’s The Way I Flourish creative writing course, exploring themes of narrative, identity, journey and home.