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A Magazine for Sheffield
Amy Clarke

I've always enjoyed writing and although my main career has been in the voluntary sector, I began a side project as a freelance journalist some time ago, sending off my first article to the The Guardian, who published it and paid me (my subsequent experience has been that these two actions are not necessarily linked...).

As well as writing other pieces for the Guardian, I wrote for a number of cycling magazines and some third sector publications. However any ambitions to become a full-time journalist were soon disabused by the reality of constantly having to chase the Finance Directors of various publishers for whatever small amount they had agreed to pay me.

Giving up on a career in journalism, I continued to work for various charities in roles that involved a range of communications, PR and marketing. I wrote everything from web copy to annual reports and press releases, and commissioned PR agencies and web development companies.

Life doesn't necessarily proceed as planned and a few years ago I took some time out from working to become a full-time parent. By this time I had moved to Sheffield and alongside my primary role as a teenage taxi service, I kept my hand in by writing for both the Sheffield Star and Telegraph, and Now Then Magazine. More recently, I have had the time to launch my own agency, Wordscount, focusing on copywriting and website development.

When I am not working or parenting, I cycle, watch films and see live music - and spend far too much time looking through clothing websites.