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Women in politics: Workshop aims to empower women to stand

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Gillian Wearing's statue of suffragette Millicent Fawcett in Parliament Square.

A free workshop on Saturday will encourage women to get involved in electoral politics.

A collaboration between SheFest and The Parliament Project, the three-hour session will include a tour of the Town Hall.

Cllr Kaltum Rivers will talk about standing for election and serving as a Green councillor since May 2018.

"I am sharing my experiences to support women who might want to get involve in politics," Cllr Rivers told Now Then. "But also to show the different pathways women take to politics."

Using the hashtag #GetReadyToStand, the workshop will "discuss everything from the process of standing to surmounting barriers that might be in your way."

Women and other traditionally marginalised groups face obstacles at each stage of the political process

The Parliament Project is a non-partisan organisation aiming to empower women to run for political office. Over the last two years it's held workshops with 3,500 women in 22 UK cities.

A November 2018 report by The Fawcett Society found that "women and other traditionally marginalised groups face obstacles at each stage of the political process and that political parties and party gatekeepers play a pivotal role at every stage."

Only 32% of MPs and 27% of peers in the current parliament are women.

Workshop organisers have stressed that attendees "don't need political experience, a party, or in-depth knowledge of the political system."

The event is funded by The Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust and is open to all women.

Sam Gregory

'Exploring Your Political Pathway: A Workshop For Women' runs from 10am - 1pm on Saturday 2 November. Tickets are free through Tickets For Good.

by Sam Gregory (he/him)

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