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Sustrans Cycles for Key Workers: Map launched to highlight bike offers

A new map has been launched to make it easier for key workers to cycle to work during the coronavirus lockdown.

Created by walking and cycling campaigners Sustrans, the new project highlights cycle offers and discounts available to all key workers, including NHS staff.

This includes bike shops, cycle repair services and bike hire.

"Many of the UK's key workers rely on public transport at a time we need them to stay safe, so it shouldn't surprise us thousands are turning to the bicycle to get to work," said Manchester's cycling and walking commissioner Chris Boardman.

"Be it for exercise or essential journeys, the bicycle is playing its part in helping us through this crisis and beyond."

In a move welcomed by campaigners, bike shops were among the few retailers allowed to remain open during the lockdown to ensure key workers are able to travel.

Members of the public are also cycling to stay healthy during the shutdown. Sustrans are now encouraging people to share the map with key workers they know.

Around 40% of the UK workforce are considered key workers by the government, including NHS staff, supermarket workers and cleaners.

"The online map was created with the needs of key workers in mind and we hope it will prove useful for everyone needing to cycle to work, be it an experienced commuter who may need a spare part or a novice who needs access to a cycle," said Susie Dunham from Sustrans.

"An average commute is five miles - a distance that can be easily cycled in less than 30 minutes. It's fantastic to see how the cycling industry has come together to support the people who are working so hard to get us through this crisis."

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