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A Magazine for Sheffield

Sustainability Network : New initiative aims to build new ways to fight climate breakdown

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Photo by Benjamin Elliott (Unsplash)

A sustainability network for businesses in Sheffield will be launched next week amid ongoing pressure to tackle the climate crisis.

Charities, local businesses and other organisations in the city will be invited to join Sheffield Sustainability Network, which aims to connect like-minded business owners who are looking to make positive changes.

Jon Johnson, founder of REACH Homes CIC and a member of the network, said: "Burning, flooding, drought, plagues of locusts - and that's just the last couple of months.

"We don't have the luxury of ignoring climate change, and for so many other reasons sustainability - living within our means as citizens of our only planet - must be our most urgent priority."

Sheffield Sustainability Network will provide a self-assessment process to help identify where businesses can improve and make best use of 'collective purchasing power', organisers say.

We don't have the luxury of ignoring climate change

The network will hold its launch event on Thursday 27 February, 8:30am at Electric Works. Attendees will be asked to share their thoughts and views, while also learning what the network intends to achieve. Sheffield Business Together and Sheffield City Region Sustainability Partnership will collaborate with Electric Works to host the first event.

"Sheffield has so many great businesses keen to push ahead with this agenda - and now there is a way for us to work together to build a self-help network that will put us at the forefront of defending against the toll relentless corporatisation is putting on our fragile ecosystems," Johnson said.

Sheffield City Council declared a climate emergency in February 2019 and has announced its intention to launch a citizens' assembly on climate change later this year.

Tickets for the launch of Sheffield Sustainability Network on 27 February are available via Tickets For Good.

Alex Keene

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