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Sheffield MPs protest shutdown: Rally on Saturday against Johnson's no deal plans

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Photo by Diliff (Wikimedia Commons).

Two Sheffield MPs have organised a protest against Boris Johnson's plans to suspend Parliament and force through a no-deal Brexit.

Louise Haigh and Paul Blomfield, MPs for Sheffield Central and Sheffield Heeley, will lead a rally outside the City Hall at 11am this Saturday 31 August.

Similar protests are taking place across the country on the same day.

Councillor Olivia Blake, Labour's candidate for Sheffield Hallam, will also join the demonstration.

We need to let Boris Johnson know that Sheffield opposes his undemocratic manoeuvring

"Shutting down Parliament to stop MPs having a say on Brexit would seriously undermine our democracy, create a constitutional crisis, and set a very dangerous precedent," said Haigh.

"We need to let Boris Johnson know that Sheffield opposes his undemocratic manoeuvring."

Johnson asked The Queen to suspend Parliament yesterday. This will make it more difficult for MPs to stop a no-deal Brexit.

Former Labour leader Ed Miliband called Johnson's actions an "attempted coup against our democracy."

It's outrageous that Boris Johnson is attempting to shut down Parliament to push through a disastrous no-deal Brexit

Over 1.3 million people have signed a petition against the decision to prorogue Parliament.

"It's outrageous that Boris Johnson is attempting to shut down Parliament to push through a disastrous no-deal Brexit," said Cllr Blake.

"Proroguing Parliament is undemocratic and an abuse of the Prime Minister's power. MPs must be allowed to have a say on the future of our country."

Sheffield Central MP Paul Blomfield has been the Shadow Brexit Minister since 2016.

He said that the move "makes a mockery of the Brexiteers' claim to champion Parliamentary sovereignty."

"I'll continue to work with other MPs to prevent Boris Johnson trashing our democracy and crashing out of the EU without a deal, which would be disastrous for the livelihoods and security of our people."

Sam Gregory

Defend Democracy: Stop the Parliamentary Shutdown begins at 11am on Saturday 31 August outside the City Hall.

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Photo by Parrot of Doom (Wikimedia Commons).

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