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A Magazine for Sheffield

Real Ale Pub Competition:

We’ve been banging on about drinking real ale over identikit lagers for many moons now, so we thought that, as summer approaches and the days get warmer, people might be in the mood for a wander outside their usual haunts. With that in mind, we’re running a photo competition around our real ale supporters from the last couple of months. It’s not rocket science, but it does require a basic knowledge of what your local actually looks like, be it through the goggles beer or nay. Starting today we’ll be doing a pub a week. Your task is to name the pub from the photos we post on Facebook and Twitter. They’ll be focussed on specific features of the pub in question, then as the working week goes on we’ll make it easier for you, so that come the weekend the pub is identifiable and you can bob along there yourself for a pint. Each week we’ll give a special prize to the person who guesses the pub first. You, sir or madam, will receive physical copies of both volumes of the recent and rather popular Not What You Know compilation of Sheffield music, plus your selection of Now Then back issues (while stocks last!). A second winner will also be randomly selected at the end of each week and they too will receive a selection of back issues to grace their living room walls, coffee tables or minds in the form of potential bad tattoo designs. The game is set, the rules straight-edged and formulaic – let the Now Then pub photo competition 2013 begin! Now Then on Facebook Now Then on Twitter



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