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A Magazine for Sheffield

Peace in the Park

In spring 2018, people have again started talking about World War Three. Trump, May and Macron started bombing in Syria, without a democratic vote and before chemical weapons inspectors could arrive. Blair popped up to commentate from the sidelines, the ghost of illegal wars past, reminding us of lies about non-existent weapons of mass destruction. People are right to be horrified. The world is again and again brutalised by war. Standing up for peace is important. It was 2003 when Iraq was invaded, even after millions marched in opposition. Sheffield sent coach-loads to London. We were right to protest, even though the warmongers ignored us. Sheffield’s Peace in the Park Festival sprang into life that year as a beautiful message from our city, to the world and the next generation, that war is not wanted. This year Peace in the Park happens on Saturday 9 June, 12-8pm at Ponderosa Park. The massive line-up of performers, all giving their time voluntarily, is spread over five stages. A Reggae Tent joins the list this year. There will be a Sheffield Stage for local bands, a World Music Stage and a Blues Stage, alongside regular favourite, the Cabaret Tent. The list of stalls and musicians is over-booked long in advance, which shows just how popular it is. ‘Patches for Peace’ produced during the year's craft workshops will be on display. The Environmental Area will be joined by a Climate Action Zone this time, drawing attention to the crucial health of our planet. The Children’s Area, open till 6pm, and numerous crafts, activities and the Healing Area, will be chilling people out. The festival’s funding has been secured this year thanks to its first ever Lottery grant, along with a series of benefit gigs. One of these, at Yellow Arch Studios, raised a stonking £3,000. Attendees may not realise that a series of work experience and training opportunities are available with the festival, from music industry skills to events management. Year round, there’s youth and community cohesion collaboration with Zest in Upperthorpe. For updates as the big day approaches, tune in to the Peace in the Park programme on Sheffield Live! FM, 5pm on Fridays or by podcast. On the day, 40 stewards are needed, so if you can offer time then get in touch. Sheffield has a long and proud history of anti-militarism. Peace and justice matter to people in our city. Only in Sheffield can you hear Latino Times broadcaster Mauricio Sirvent on Sheffield Live FM signing off with, “Love one another, and free Palestine.” If you’re not already on board, join the anti-war movement. See you at Peace in the Park 2018? | | | SHEFFIELD CYCLE JUMBLE Sat 5 May | 9am-12pm | St Mary’s Church, Bramall Lane This twice-a-year boot sale for cyclists is a treasure trove of bargains which has been running for nearly a decade. Get to St Mary’s early, because the place can be heaving. It’s a fun-filled morning of bike parts, accessories, clothing, books and everything imaginable for your zero-carbon transport of delight. SHEFFIELD ESTELI SOCIETY: RIDE FOR NICARAGUA Sun 20 May | 8am-10am departures | Ecclesall Road Estelí is one of Sheffield’s twin cities. Three decades of mutual co-operation was marked recently by naming Esteli Parade, a new River Don cycle route and path. The bike ride raises funds annually for Estelí partner projects. On 20 May, bike rides launch off towards Derbyshire on three routes - hopefully all back for teatime... )

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