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A Magazine for Sheffield

Pavement parking could be banned in Sheffield

The government are consulting on plans to tackle dangerous parking, in a move that has been welcomed by Sheffield councillors.

One proposal could see the complete ban on pavement parking that has been in place in London since 1974 rolled out across the UK.

Cllr Bob Johnson, Sheffield's Cabinet Member for Transport, called on the government to give councils more power to tackle the problem.

“Obstructive pavement parking presents dangers for people with disabilities or mobility restrictions, and for parents with buggies," he said.

"It can also be dangerous for cyclists as cycle lanes often run on the footway. It’s not good enough and it has to be dealt with."

The Department for Transport is consulting on three options in relation to pavement parking. These are:

  • a London-style nationwide ban
  • making it easier for councils to prohibit pavement parking
  • giving councils the power to fine offenders

Active travel organisations including Sustrans and Living Streets have backed a nationwide ban, with the latter saying the move would create "safer and more accessible streets."

Cllr Johnson said that Labour were calling for localised enforcement powers.

“Of course it is hard to impose a total ban on pavement parking, as sometimes there is no option but to park partially over a kerb given the nature of many of Sheffield’s roads," he said. "But this should not be seen as an excuse across the city."

In June 2018, then cabinet member Cllr Jack Scott announced plans to ban pavement parking in Sheffield city centre, but this was quietly dropped in January 2019.

A bluntly-named Twitter account which documents some of the worst parking in Sheffield has since attracted thousands of followers.

by Sam Gregory (he/him)
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