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A Magazine for Sheffield

Now Then: Shifting focus from print to digital in these uncertain times

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After 12 years producing Now Then Magazine, we find ourselves navigating an uncertain and rapidly-evolving new landscape, with the independent traders who support us fighting for their survival day-to-day and public health under serious threat.

Printing and distributing a free community magazine seems increasingly unviable, at least for the foreseeable future.

Instead we're channeling our energy and resources into the Now Then App and the upcoming Now Then website relaunch, which will be live as soon as possible.

The Now Then App has over 5,000 users and we can send push notifications directly to devices. We're currently exploring how we can use it to support and inform community responses to the coronavirus outbreak. Please support us by spreading the word about this app.

We feel strongly that independent community media has a vital role to play during this crisis - in holding the powerful to account, signposting to vital support available in our city, and doing our best to share visions of hope, resilience and a better world.

We will return to print when we can, but if you want to support our company in these challenging times, you can become a Friend Of Opus.

If you've got a story in this uncertain time, we want to use our platforms to help you tell it. Whether you're a citizen of Sheffield with something to say, a charity that wants to get the word out about how you can help, or an indie business letting people know how they can access your products and services, get in touch with [email protected].

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