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MP slams irresponsible bosses: Louise Haigh speaks out against workplaces not practising social distancing

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Sheffield Heeley MP Louise Haigh.

A Sheffield MP has spoken out against employers still forcing staff to go into work during the coronavirus lockdown.

Louise Haigh has asked people to contact her at [email protected] if their employer is preventing them from working at home unnecessarily or is not practising social distancing.

"The restrictions on work are a crucial part of social distancing and employers should absolutely not be putting pressure on employees to flout them," she said.

"To save lives, we all need to play our part in stopping the spread of coronavirus. Any employer who undermines that effort by insisting that their employees go into work unnecessarily should face serious sanctions."

The Sheffield Heeley MP said that she has already been contacted by local people in non-essential jobs who are still being told to go into work, with some of them in at-risk groups.

This includes some non-essential staff at the Home Office, a major government employer in Sheffield.

People who are 70 or over, have a long-term health condition, are pregnant, or have a weakened immune system are at increased risk from coronavirus.

To save lives, we all need to play our part in stopping the spread of coronavirus

Haigh said that social distancing rules were "vitally important" to protect the NHS.

"For its part, the government needs to produce clearer guidance, force closures of all non-essential businesses, and provide much more comprehensive support to both workers and businesses affected by the economic shock that the pandemic has caused."

Haigh is one of 90 MPs to sign an Early Day Motion calling on the government to introduce an emergency Universal Basic Income to protect freelancers and the self-employed.

Sam Gregory

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