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A Magazine for Sheffield

Movements (July '19): Listings for a better world

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Campaign to End Immigration Detention

Mon 1 July | Victoria Centre, S1 2JB | 6-8:30pm

I am a strong proponent of the idea that only by organisations working together around issues will we make a difference, so seeing These Walls Must Fall, a network of local community campaigns, is exciting. Join them at this workshop to find out more and discuss upcoming action.

UBI 2030: The World We Want

Wed 3 July | Quaker Meeting House, S1 2EW | 6-7:30pm

UBI Lab Sheffield have been smashing it. The Council have recognised and agreed to work towards implementing a UBI pilot and John McDonnell has expressed interest in Sheffield as a pilot city. At this meeting you can discuss what a future with a UBI could look like and what's needed to get us there.

XR Sheffield Facilitation Training

Fri 5 Jul | Union St, S1 2JP | 5:30-7:30pm

You know those facilitators who can shut down that moaning person in an effective and kind way? I want to be them so much. Extinction Rebellion Sheffield are training people to host their regular Monday meetings, but you're also welcome to come and learn skills to support all causes.

Mobilise Your Workplace

Thu 11 Jul | Foodhall, S1 4QW | 6-8:30pm

During my first crappy job, which I won't name - it involved popcorn and seeing the last five minutes of every film which I could never after watch - my parents encouraged me constantly to join a union. 'Why would I join a union!?' I cried, 'They can't really do anything'. In hindsight I realise that the time spent crying in the toilets alone could have been much better spent. TUC Yorkshire are hosting this workshop for young workers to find out more about how to stand up for themselves.

A Green New Deal for Sheffield

Thu 11 Jul | Theatre Deli, S1 4QZ | 7-9pm

Along with universal basic income, 'Green New Deal' seem to be the three words on everyone's lips. As part of the Future Fantastic Festival, hosted by The Bare Project and The Guild of St George, hear more from pioneer of the Green New Deal group Colin Hines, activists from Youth Strike 4 Climate and XR, and Councillor Lewis Dagnall. There's a big Sheffield presence in the grassroots campaign pressuring Labour to launch a GND. Get involved here.

Food, Farming and the City: How Can We Feed Sheffield?

Wed 17 Jul Theatre Deli, S1 4QZ 7-10pm

Another one from Future Fantastic Festival, in collaboration with Regather and Food Works. A feast of locally sourced and super tasty bin food, followed by discussion of what's next in the crucial move towards a sustainable food system in Sheffield.

Inventing the New Sustainable Economy

Thu 18 Jul | RedHaus Books, S7 1FL | 6-9pm

Louis Koseda is the brain behind Foodhall and the National Food Service. Join him to discuss how we can create economies which are environmentally sustainable and provide resources, autonomy and the time for parts of our lives which aren't currently valued - caring and socialising.

Fast Forward Festival 2019

Fri 19 - Sun 21 Jul | Thornbridge Outdoors, DE45 1NY

Before I went to this in 2017 the last time I was at Thornbridge was for a school residential, aged nine. The tone at Fast Forward was just a little more intellectual - until the bar opened, that is. This year there's workshops covering a plethora of issues, including ecology, anti-fascism, red feminism and striking, and a seriously good kids programme which makes me wish I was nine again.

Acorn Quarterly General Meeting

Wed 24 Jul | Union St, S1 2JP | 6:15-8pm

Acorn will review their most recent campaign for landlord licensing and plan the recruitment drive over summer. Acorn meetings I've been to before were really well facilitated and, dare I say it, enjoyable. If you want to get involved outside of the actions, this is your time.

Power Beyond Borders: Mass Action Camp

Fri 26 - Wed 31 Jul | Somewhere in South East England

I've never been to a Climate Camp before, but the name is whispered reverentially in environmental movements across the UK. Power Beyond Borders involves workshops and training leading to action against gas-fired power stations and the impact of climate chaos on vulnerable communities, particularly migrants facing the 'Hostile Environment' policies of the Home Office. There's likely going to be transport organised from Sheffield.

Eleanor Holmshaw

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