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A Magazine for Sheffield

Indy Johar What is the scale of transition we need to make in Sheffield to tackle the crises we face as a city?

Ahead of his talk at Festival of Debate, systems change designer Indy Johar lays out the enormous challenges facing us as a city as we transition to a more just and sustainable future.

Systems change designer, architect and founder of Dark Matter Labs Indy Johar will speak at this year's Festival of Debate about how we are all agents of change, and how we can build new systems and ways of being. A rescheduled date is yet to be confirmed, but in the meantime you can join the waiting list for free tickets.

He's going to be joined by Sophia Parker, director of the Emerging Futures Programme at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and together they will look at some of the economic models that are driving us towards earth systems collapse and explore the many new ways of being that are already emerging.

Back in February, we invited Indy to the city to give a talk to members of Voluntary Action Sheffield. In this talk, he set out the scale of the series of crises that are facing us, both as a city and as a wider world, but also explored the ways we can transition to a more equitable society without exceeding planetary boundaries.

That brief description can't possibly do justice to the breadth and depth of the hour-long talk we listened to from Indy, so we've posted a full video of it above for you to absorb and reflect on in your own time.

If, like us, you find these ideas fascinating and want to explore them more, join Indy and Sophia at the Festival of Debate. We're yet to confirm a rescheduled date, but tickets will be free and you can join the waiting list now.

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