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A Magazine for Sheffield
Give Over

Give Over? Give us a go!

Would you like to write for our border abolition project Give Over? 

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Give Over is a border abolition project that is looking for pitches for publication in Now Then Magazine.

Give Over is a project that uses border abolition as a way to reframe media reporting of refugees and immigration more broadly. We use workshops, archival work, and re-visioned journalism to challenge white supremacist and racist attitudes to movement. We want to push people from a point of "refugees welcome" to a point of understanding the violence required in order to maintain borders.

Give Over is primarily based in Sheffield, but we’re keen to hear from anyone who has a viewpoint on abolition of borders. We’re interested in working with journalists who understand that mainstream journalism is often a tool of propaganda designed to manufacture consent for colonial, racist, and dehumanising immigration policies. We’d like to hear from people interested in writing about:

  • Reflections on lived experiences of borders

  • Explorations of abolition of borders as a vision for a more just future

  • Expressions of borders away from state lines (e.g. in the workplace, healthcare, education, etc)

  • Considerations of the impact of racist reporting on immigration

If your pitch is accepted, you’ll work with the team at Now Then Magazine to carry your piece from pitch to publication. We pay £150 upon publication of 800 words.

You can see previously published Give Over articles here.

We’re not necessarily only looking for established journalists - pitches from all writers are welcome. We particularly welcome pitches from people facing multiple marginalisations. If you’ve got a pitch in mind, or would like to discuss an idea you’ve got please email [email protected]

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