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Free film and theatre workshops for young people: Local stage producers offer lessons on acting, writing and editing

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A camera workshop at Future Makers.

A group of Sheffield stage professionals are teaming up with Theatre Deli to offer theatre and film workshops to young people aged 14 to 19.

Future Makers '20 is a project from Third Angel, a local theatre company who've had work performed around the country including in swimming pools, car parks and a public toilet in Bristol.

Over eight weekends in February and March the free workshops will give young people an opportunity to learn about film and theatre making, from cinematography and stage combat to special effects makeup.

The deadline to apply is 17 January. Young people can sign up to as many or as few workshops as they like, and don't need any experience to take part.

"Future Makers is something really close to my heart," said Rachael Walton, co-artistic director of Third Angel. "We don't want anything to get in the way of young people accessing the arts, so our workshops are absolutely free."

The company are working with Sheffield Hallam University on the fourth edition of Future Makers, which will mostly take place at Theatre Deli on Eyre Street.

Other subjects covered include acting for stage and screen, film editing, lighting design and writing for the stage.

The project is especially keen to encourage applications from 14 to 19 year olds who live in areas where household incomes are generally low, or who have not been involved in drama or film activities outside school.

"I loved every part of the workshop," said one participant. "It provided a space for me to ask questions about the industry I thought were silly and had never asked."

"It made what I often think of as a very closed industry seem open and accessible."

Apply for Future Makers '20 by 17 January.

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