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A Magazine for Sheffield

Food Works: Keeping Sheffield fed in times of need

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Food Works are responding to the coronavirus pandemic by providing as many people in Sheffield as possible with affordable access to groceries and cooked meals. Our aim is to ensure that they can support those who are most in need. Our four key messages are:

  • Visit our Sharehouse Market to access groceries.
  • Sign up to our prepared meal service to collect cooked meals.
  • Get in touch if you are involved in a business that has surplus food due to closures - we can make use of this.
  • Support our fundraiser so they can continue to feed Sheffield at this time.

Who are Food Works?

We are a social enterprise collecting food destined for landfill and making it available to the people of Sheffield. Last year we saved 284 tonnes of edible food from being wasted, the equivalent of a million meals, saving the same carbon footprint as a forest of 44,000 trees. We work with hundreds of active volunteers to collect, sort, weigh, prepare and cook food. Our volunteers are 'key workers' and are continuing to serve the people of Sheffield in our Sharehouse market, and through our cooked meals service.

Sharehouse Market - Access to Groceries

Anyone can visit our Sharehouse Market on Woodbourn Road between 10am - 3pm, 7 days a week, to pick up a box of groceries. The service is open to anyone and you do not need to register. Food Works asks for a £1 service charge per box plus a pay-as-you-feel donation.

Cooked Meals Service

We are cooking hundreds of nutritious meals that can be collected from our warehouse on Woodbourn Road. More information on our cooked meals service is available here.

Repurposing Surplus Food from Businesses

Food Works already works with retailers, manufacturers, restaurants and cafes across Sheffield and beyond to make good use of food which would otherwise be thrown away. As cafes, restaurants and pubs close we want to get this message out so that no food gets wasted! More information can be found here.

Food Works need your help!

At Food Works, we want to make sure we can continue to feed the people of Sheffield at these times. You can support us by donating to our fundraiser.

Josie McCullen

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