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A Magazine for Sheffield


Well, we hope you're not sick of political discussion yet - why would you be? - because we've got another month of Festival of Debate ahead of us. From everyone at Opus and Now Then, thank you for supporting the festival in every way. We've been really pleased with the amount of interest in our programme and we're already thinking about how we can improve for 2018. Get in touch if you want to get involved in the festival. We are always open to collaboration. Here is a selection of our June events. The full programme is available at THE PERSONAL IS STILL POLITICAL WED 7 JUN | 6:30-9PM | THE CIRCLE | FREE The big issues in the world are happening at every level. Change and conflict are mirrored in our relationships, our workplaces and in ourselves. Beyond blame and division, can we find the seeds of global change in our interactions? Come and explore together how to go forward from where we are now. SHEFFIELD HOMELESSNESS: TOO BIG A PROBLEM TO SOLVE? THU 8 JUN | 6-8PM | THE CIRCLE | FREE Some problems in this world are just too big to solve. However, homelessness in Sheffield is something that we can absolutely solve. We are bringing together all the people in Sheffield who know homelessness and together we’ll work out how to make sure nobody has to sleep out in our city ever again. MANDATORY REDISTRIBUTION PARTY FRI 16 JUN | 7:30-10:30PM | DINA | £5 Absurdist comedians explain and illustrate the world of contemporary political taxonomy (who are all these people and what hole did they climb out of?) and the righteous struggles ahead (which of them do I need to push back into their hole?). FAIRER MONEY: THE NEED FOR REDISTRIBUTION & FINANCIAL WELLBEING TUE 20 JUN | 6:30-8PM | QUAKER MEETING HOUSE | FREE People’s financial position, and their ability to respond to unexpected events in their lives, has a huge knock-on effect on physical and mental health, as well as being closely linked to unemployment and debt. What can we do to make Sheffield a fairer, more financially inclusive city? Panel discussion with Q&A. MIGRATION MATTERS FESTIVAL TUE 20-SAT 24 JUN | MULTIPLE LOCATIONS | PAY WHAT YOU DECIDE This year’s festival will feature established companies, emerging artists, community arts groups and charitable organisations, a rich and soulful programme that brings the diverse and global mix of Sheffield’s communities together with artists from all over the country in a celebration of food, culture and performance. DOES SOLIDARITY WITH REFUGEES MATTER? WED 21 JUN | 6-8PM | ROCO | FREE What does solidarity mean in the context of the refugee crisis? Does it prompt action or is it a token word that disguises ever more closed borders? This event, organised by a White Rose Research network, opens discussions on the motivations, meanings and consequences of solidarity with refugees. SHEFFIELD-SAARBRUCKEN-SCARBOROUGH: A NEW DEAL FOR EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES WED 21 JUN | 6:30-8:30PM | THE RED DEER (UPSTAIRS) | FREE Join the multinational debate shaping a New Europe - and how local communities are a vital part of the policy. As a humanitarian, progressive vision, a reformed, united Europe is needed now. A new economic approach which values local enterprise, people and jobs, is gaining momentum. Discover the New Deal proposal and help shape the debate. GIRL GANG SHEFFIELD: BATTLE ROYALE SAT 24 JUN | 7PM-2AM | DINA | £10-£15 Grab your squad and join Girl Gang Sheffield for an immersive screening of Battle Royale and an interactive party to end the world. Festival of Debate closing party. @FestOfDebate )

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Our Fair City: Calling All Candidates

The Sheffield Fairness Commission was established by Sheffield City Council to look at the nature, causes and impact of inequality across…

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