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Community groups distribute feel-good newsletter to Darnall ward

Newsletter will reach 8,000 households in Darnall, Tinsley, Attercliffe and Handsworth, featuring good news stories, health and wellbeing information, and activities for kids.

Darnall Pebbles painted by Arnolds

A newsletter put together though a collective effort of third sector organisations in the Darnall ward of Sheffield will be distributed to over 8,000 households spanning Darnall, Tinsley, Attercliffe and Handsworth by the end of this week.

The Community Connector has been assembled by representatives from local groups including Darnall Well Being (DWB), Darnall Forum, Tinsley Forum, Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park and local churches, with support from colleagues in the Council and local NHS trusts.

Fran Arnold, DWB Communications Officer, said the newsletter is filled with local good news stories, health and wellbeing information, and kids’ activities which will “brighten up the end of the year.”

It also includes a simplified description of the ‘Christmas bubble’ rules and simple re-iterations of the government guidance to make sure that the community can act as safely as possible.

The group hopes that the newsletter will be inclusive of everyone in the ward and have included key information translated into Urdu, Arabic, Somali and Slovak.

“Producing this newsletter lets the community know that we’re here, working for the benefit of everyone,” said Chris Nuttall, manager at Darnall Forum.

Darnall ward Labour councillors have welcomed the newsletter and have been working with community organisations throughout the pandemic, carrying out local work to support the elderly, vulnerable, families and young children.

As part of the wider initiative, Sam Youngman and Janvi Jethwani, medical students from The University of Sheffield, spent four days hand-painting rocks with individual designs to place around parks in Darnall ward.

The rocks are hoped to encourage locals to “get outside and be active” to improve their wellbeing, inspired by Sheffield UK Rocks. The newsletter includes more information on how residents can take part in activities with the painted rocks.

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