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A Magazine for Sheffield

Collective Economics: Micro course explores alternative forms of exchange

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The Brixton Pound launched in September 2009. Photo by Fred Romero (Wikimedia Commons).

Access Space are hosting a participatory course on alternative economics this weekend.

"The two day event explores how we organise in a collective way by exchanging theories of best practice and alternative economics," said organisers.

"Over the weekend participants and collaborators are invited to come, live together over a two-day period in a more immersive and alternative approach to learning and teaching one other."

Collective Economics is organised by The British College of Mutual Aid, a new organisation made up of Foodhall, Access Space and Red Haus Books.

This weekend's event is the first in what the college hopes is a new model for teaching and learning together, which exists beyond traditional academic spaces.

As well as the three Sheffield-based organisers, contributors include blockchain artist Larisa Blazic and Dougald Hine of the Dark Mountain Project, who'll talk about creating effective networks of self-organising projects. Occupy Management! author Monika Kostera will discuss the resilience of small self-governing organisations, while Brixton Pound co-founder Susie Steed will explain the potential of local currencies.

Fran Edgerly, member of the Turner Prize winning architecture collective ASSEMBLE, will join via Skype.

The course will include collective cooking at Foodhall, along with a talk from its founder Louis Koseda.

Tickets are on a pay-what-you-can basis, running from a full contribution of £30 to a £15 ticket for those on lower incomes. Tickets are free to those who can't afford it.

Sam Gregory

Tickets for Collective Economics are available now.

by Sam Gregory (he/him)

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