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A Magazine for Sheffield

Cocoon Collective: Women of Sheffield Showcase

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Clare McManus in Catching My Breath

To mark International Women's Day, Cocoon Collective are presenting three new theatre pieces by local writers at the Theatre Deli this Friday and Saturday.

"The first one is by a woman called Clare McManus," founder Louise Delmege told Now Then. "Her piece is about ageing and about how being cool has changed over the years."

"She has a lung condition, which is partly hereditary and partly comes from years of smoking. It's about different attitudes to smoking and what that was like in her youth

"She's got these incredible photos from a nude photoshoot she did in her twenties," Delmege continued. "She's going to be interacting with these old photos and discussing how she was more vulnerable then in a lot of ways and how she's more vulnerable now in different ways."

We all wanted to involve women who hadn't accessed theatre before.

Through workshops, scratch nights and performances, Cocoon Collective say that they're "collaborating to inspire and empower local female creatives."

The evening's second performance, 'A Princess Could Work' by Tommi Bryson, will reimagine a Disney musical to feature a trans princess.

"It's classic Disney," said Delmege. "Very over the top, an annoying animal companion, the whole shebang."

The last of the three pieces, 'Sophie's Sale' by Mary Frances Doherty, looks at online bullying.

"It's about her interaction with her friends, but it's a one woman show", said Delmege. "It's asking questions about online friendships."

Each night will also feature a performance by women who have less access to theatre production.

"There'll be a short piece by the Together Women project," said Delmege. "It's a project based in the centre of Sheffield that helps women who have been vulnerable to getting involved in crime."

"Jess Gibson from Cocoon Collective has been running a series of expressive movement workshops with them," she continued. "The final piece will be in the form of audio recordings."

"We all really wanted to involve women who hadn't accessed theatre before."

Cocoon Collective present The Women of Sheffield Showcase from 01 - 02 March at Theatre Deli.

by Sam Gregory (he/him)

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