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A Magazine for Sheffield

Cathedral Archer Project Five practical ways to support local charity during the pandemic

Closing our doors at the Cathedral Archer Project has so far not been an option.

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We are living through unprecedented times and it's tough for us all. For us, closing our doors at the Cathedral Archer Project has so far not been an option and you can follow our story through the Covid-19 pandemic on our Facebook Page.

We know that not everyone can donate, so we've come up with a few ways that you can continue to support your favourite charity whilst you are at home.

Set up a regular gift

Regular gifts enable us to plan for the future because we know roughly what income is coming in every month for the year. As a result, setting up a regular gift as small as £3 a month can make a big impact in helping us to become more sustainable going forwards.

Archer Project Donation Form

Join in with the Cathedral Archer Project Sleep In

Do a virtual challenge and get your friends, family and colleagues to join in or sponsor you

Everyone is finding more time for those things that they never have the chance to do. From sorting out that spare wardrobe full of clothes to finally

deciding to make that photo book of your travels or working out at home.

Whatever you are doing, why not set yourself a challenge and get your friends and family to sponsor you? It's also a great excuse to connect with them by giving them regular updates on your progress.

Here are some examples of the challenges you could do:

  • Declutter and raise money. have teamed up with Virgin Money Giving so you can now sell your unwanted books, CDs, DVDs and games to raise money.
  • A 10K, half marathon, or full marathon if you're ambitious, in your garden. Get the kids involved and set up an assault course.
  • 100 squats a day challenge.
  • 30 day plank challenge.
  • Go wild: shave your beard, grow a beard or shave your hair off.

Join in with the Cathedral Archer Project Sleep In on Friday 17 April. We are asking people to not sleep in their bed for one night, but instead to sleep in a different room in their house in their sleeping bag, in a homemade den. However you choose to do it, we want you to join us on Zoom on the night and raise money whilst having fun.

Check out our events page for more information on challenges you can get involved with at home.

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Give as you shop

A simple way to raise money at no extra cost to you is to give through your online shopping. By signing up to Give As You Live you could be donating almost every time you make an online transaction at no cost to you. Amazon also has a duplicate site called Amazon Smile that donates a percentage of the net amount of the item to your charity every time.

Donate whatever you are not spending money on

One positive of working from home is that the commute is free and probably only takes us all a couple of minutes. The downside is that we don't have those interactions with our colleagues and the after-work socialising is gone. Why not consider donating the cost of one of those commutes

you no longer have to do?

Stay home and stay safe

Most importantly we want you to stay safe and stay at home, and then when this is over we can all meet up again and share those stories of our time inside.

Only go outside for food, health reasons or work - but only if you cannot work from home. If you go out, stay 2 metres (6 feet) away from other people at all times. Wash your hands as soon as you get home.

Useful links

Thank you for all your support. If you have any questions about how you can get involved and support the Cathedral Archer Project during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond, email [email protected].

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