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A Magazine for Sheffield

Basic Income: How do we get there?

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A Sheffield group have announced a proposal for a pilot scheme that would see free cash handouts given to the city's residents.

A Universal Basic Income is a regular cash payment given to everyone, without preconditions or means testing.

UBI Lab Sheffield called for the idea to be trialled in Sheffield at their event 'Basic Income: How Do We Get There?'

It will be thrown into the discussions about the next manifesto

The proposal came after shadow chancellor John McDonnell announced last year that plans for a pilot scheme could feature in Labour's next manifesto.

He said: "If you look at what's happened elsewhere in other countries, and I think Scotland is looking at it as well, they are doing it on a small geographical basis in particular towns.

"It will be thrown into the discussions about the next manifesto," he continued. "That's one of the ideas that a lot of people are pressing for.

UBI Lab Sheffield aim to present their proposal to Sheffield City Council and gain their approval for the plans.

Harry Gold

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