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A Magazine for Sheffield

ACORN Target Privatised Buses: Renters' union to campaign for bus re-regulation

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ACORN Sheffield

The renters' union ACORN have announced a new campaign to re-regulate Sheffield's buses.

The current de-regulated system allows bus companies to choose what routes they want to operate.

This leaves less profitable routes under-served, while similar services compete on major routes like Ecclesall Road.

"We're going to campaign for buses to be brought under public control across South Yorkshire," said ACORN Sheffield spokesperson Jamie Sims.

"It isn't the same as public ownership but more like what TfL does in London. The city region plans the routes, fares, and ticketing system and puts the whole thing out to tender."

"So companies can't cut unprofitable routes or raise fares, for example," Sims continued.

All bus journeys in London cost £1.50, even if they involve a change. Single fares in South Yorkshire can be several times higher.

Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham is facing a fight with bus companies after pledging to introduce a franchising model.

In February, Sheffield City Region Mayor Dan Jarvis announced a review into South Yorkshire's bus services.

Jarvis said the review, chaired by Clive Betts MP, will result in "more environmentally friendly buses, more routes and more passengers."

Passenger numbers have fallen by 18% in South Yorkshire over the past ten years.

"We've launched a petition, which should help us build and demonstrate public support for the policy," said Sims.

Members of ACORN will plan the full campaign at a strategy day in August.

Another long-running ACORN campaign calls for city-wide landlord licensing.

A recent statement by cabinet adviser Cllr Sophie Wilson suggests that the Council are considering extending landlord licensing.

Sam Gregory

You can sign ACORN's petition for bus regulation.

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ACORN Sheffield

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