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A Magazine for Sheffield

Mandatory Redistribution Party

Capitalist Realism

Over a decade since the publication of Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism, are we better equipped to imagine an alternative to capitalism?

It’s fun to toil

We've glimpsed a society in which non-essential work is paused and people are allowed to be as calm as multiple catastrophes allow. Now we're revving up the Global Warming Machine and preparing to forget that another world was ever possible.

A beautiful day at the snail races

Examining the friction between a desire for an overhaul of oppressive hierarchies through confrontational direct action versus my other desire to sit in a dark room and sweat all the liquid out of my body.

The Clap

Scorched Britons jerk their bodies upright, shake sand from puckered skin and crane their eyes towards a fixed position in the centre of the sun. It is time to commence The Clap.

Tulpamancy Explained

What separates a tulpa from an imaginary friend is that, once fully formed after months of a process called 'forcing', a tulpa will act autonomously.